
Family & Friends in the Armed Forces
Community Action | Humane Society

March | April

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Calendar listings here are based on announcements provided to Lincoln Daily News.

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April 2025

Tuesday, April 1st

Logan County Breastfeeding Support Group
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Parent's Center and Logan County WIC
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Do you have any questions or concerns about your breastfeeding journey? You will be able to ask a certified lactation consultant and/or a peer counselor any questions you may have about latch, positioning, engorgement, pumping, etc. It will also be a great opportunity to connect with other breastfeeding mothers in our community.
WHERE: Lincoln Parent's Center, 121 N. Kickapoo St., Lincoln
WHEN: 10:30 to Noon

Mahjong at the Oasis
HOSTED BY: Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Newly introduced Mahjong group!
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: Noon to 2 p.m.

Bingo at the Oasis
HOSTED BY: Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS:  We will offer large jackpots and a great atmosphere! Delicious refreshments will be available for purchase. Doors open at 5 p.m., bingo starts at 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 6:30 p.m.

Lincoln Masonic Lodge Meeting
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Masons Lodge 210
WHO: Members
DETAILS:  Regularly scheduled meeting.
WHERE: Lincoln Masonic Lodge 210, 2022 N. Kickapoo St., Lincoln
WHEN: 7 p.m.

Wednesday, April 2nd

WLB Culver's Fundraiser 
WHO: Public
WHERE: Culver's Restaurant, 2530 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Lincoln Rotary Club Meeting
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Rotary Club
WHO: Rotary Members
DETAILS: Weekly meeting. 
WHERE: Administrative Office, District 27 Elementary School, 304 8th St, Lincoln
WHEN: Noon

VFW 1756 Auxiliary Meeting
HOSTED BY: VFW 1756 Auxiliary
WHO: Members
DETAILS: Monthly meeting
WHERE: Freedom Hall, Cronin Brothers VFW 1756, 915 Fifth St., Lincoln
WHEN: 7 p.m.

Thursday, April 3rd

Everyday Nutrition Class
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Park District
WHO: Public
Led by Kevin Londe, DO, a physician with Memorial Care in Lincoln, the “Everyday Nutrition” class will introduce participants to basic nutrition and calorie counting, foods to avoid with certain health conditions, exercise needed per day and different types of exercises to benefit cardiovascular and muscle mass. For more information, call 217-605-5014. To register, visit:
Lincoln Park District, 1400 Primm Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Free Bingo at the Oasis
HOSTED BY: Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Free Bingo!
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 1 p.m.

Bingo at the Eagles
HOSTED BY: Fraternal Order of the Eagles #2708
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Bingo with snacks available.
WHERE: The Eagles #2708, 1621 N. Kickapoo St., Lincoln
WHEN: Doors Open at 5 p.m., Bingo at 6:30 p.m.

Emblem Club #443 Monthly meeting
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Elks Lodge
WHO: Members and Public
DETAILS: The Lincoln Emblem Club meets monthly on the first Thursday of the month. Meetings are held at the Lincoln Elks Ballroom. New members are always welcome. Contact club president Judy Smith at 217-732-3788.
WHERE: Lincoln Elks Lodge, 1020 County Rd. 1525 E., Lincoln
WHEN: 7 p.m.

Friday, April 4th

Prom Dress Giveaway
HOSTED BY: Mom's Who Care
WHO: Public
Moms Who Care and Lincoln Womans’ Club will host their Prom Dress Giveaway!
WHERE: 230 N. McLean St., Lincoln
WHEN: 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Saturday, April 5th

Prom Dress Giveaway
HOSTED BY: Mom's Who Care
WHO: Public
Moms Who Care and Lincoln Womans’ Club will host their Prom Dress Giveaway!
WHERE: 230 N. McLean St., Lincoln
WHEN: 8 a.m. to Noon

Sunday, April 6th

No events on the calendar

Monday, April 7th

Senior Fitness Class
HOSTED BY: Christian Village
WHO: Public
Entrance through the main entry, currently labeled Grace Point.
WHERE: Christian Village Chapel, 1500 Seventh St., Lincoln
WHEN: 10 a.m.

Tuesday, April 8th

Logan County Breastfeeding Support Group
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Parent's Center and Logan County WIC
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Do you have any questions or concerns about your breastfeeding journey? You will be able to ask a certified lactation consultant and/or a peer counselor any questions you may have about latch, positioning, engorgement, pumping, etc. It will also be a great opportunity to connect with other breastfeeding mothers in our community.
WHERE: Lincoln Parent's Center, 121 N. Kickapoo St., Lincoln
WHEN: 10:30 to Noon

Mahjong at the Oasis
HOSTED BY: Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Newly introduced Mahjong group!
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: Noon to 2 p.m.

Children’s Orthopedic Clinic
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Elks 914
WHO: Public
DETAILS: By appointment only. To make an appointment call the Illinois Elks Children’s Care
office at 1-800-272-0074 between the hours of 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday. There are no charges for any services at this clinic. No medical referral is necessary for the clinic but physicians are welcome to refer patients to the clinic for a specific reason or second opinion. School nurses are welcome to refer children and families to the clinic.
WHERE: Lincoln Memorial Hospital, 200 Stahlhut Dr., Lincoln
WHEN: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Virtual Breast Cancer Support Group
HOSTED BY: Memorial Medical Center
WHO: All breast cancer warriors, survivors, support teams
DETAILS: Meetings are 90-minutes, anyone can tune into these virtual meetings via telephone or using the WebEx app on their cell.
Call in at 1-415-655-0001.
Join the app on your cell with
The meeting number is 145 017 6122 and the password is mcli
WHEN: 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Zonta Club Monthly Meeting
HOSTED BY: Zonta Club of Lincoln
WHO: Members and Public
DETAILS: Fellowship/social time begins at 6:00 p.m.; meal begins at 6:30 p.m.; meeting begins at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Immanuel Lutheran Church, 1409 Pulaski St., Lincoln
WHEN: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Bingo at the Oasis
HOSTED BY: Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS:  We will offer large jackpots and a great atmosphere! Delicious refreshments will be available for purchase. Doors open at 5 p.m., bingo starts at 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, April 9th

No events on the calendar

Thursday, April 10th

Everyday Nutrition Class
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Park District
WHO: Public
Led by Kevin Londe, DO, a physician with Memorial Care in Lincoln, the “Everyday Nutrition” class will introduce participants to basic nutrition and calorie counting, foods to avoid with certain health conditions, exercise needed per day and different types of exercises to benefit cardiovascular and muscle mass. For more information, call 217-605-5014. To register, visit:
Lincoln Park District, 1400 Primm Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Mt. Pulaski Community Blood Drive
HOSTED BY: ImpactLife
WHO: Public
DETAILS: To donate, please contact ImpactLife Urbana at (800) 747-5401 or visit and use code 60032 to locate the drive. Donor Eligibility Criteria: Potential donors must be at least 17 years of age (16 with parental permission form available
through and weigh more than 110 pounds. A photo I.D. is required to donate. For questions about eligibility, please call ImpactLife at (800) 747-5401. Donors who last gave blood on or before 2/13/25 are eligible to give at this drive.
WHERE: ImpactLife Donor Bus, Longview Community Bank, 130 S. Washington St., Mount Pulaski
WHEN: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Free Bingo at the Oasis
HOSTED BY: Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Free Bingo!
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 1 p.m.

Bingo at the Eagles
HOSTED BY: Fraternal Order of the Eagles #2708
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Bingo with snacks available.
WHERE: The Eagles #2708, 1621 N. Kickapoo St., Lincoln
WHEN: Doors Open at 5 p.m., Bingo at 6:30 p.m.

Friday, April 11th

No events on the calendar

Saturday, April 12th

Timber Creek Easter Egg Hunt
HOSTED BY: Timber Creek Village
SPONSORED BY: Copper Creek Cottages
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Easter Egg Hunt and pictures with the Easter Bunny and his right hand Easter Egg. Bring the kids with their Easter Baskets and enjoy a Easter Egg Hunt with our residents!
WHERE: Timber Creek Village
, 201 Stahlhut Dr., Lincoln
WHEN: 10:30 a.m.

Sunday, April 13th

Mt. Pulaski Fire Annual Pancake & Sausage Breakfast
HOSTED BY: Mt. Pulaski Phoenix Fire Department
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Menu consists of pancakes, sausage, milk, coffee & juice. Dine in or carry out. Donations are welcome.
Mt. Pulaski Phoenix Fire Department, 612 E. Dekalb St., Mt Pulaski
WHEN: 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Legion Breakfast Buffet Fundraiser
HOSTED BY: American Legion Post 263
WHO: Public
Buffet breakfast to benefit the American Legion Post 263. Menu includes scrambled eggs, ham, bacon, biscuits and gravy, mixed fruit, fried potatoes, coffee, oj and milk. Kids under 10 eat free! Tickets available in advance at the Legion and at the door.
WHERE: 1740 Fifth St., Lincoln
WHEN: 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Sign and Dine Club
HOSTED BY: Sign & Dine Club
WHO: Public
Sign and Dine” is a group that promotes American Sign Language (ASL) and Sign English for the hard of hearing and the deaf. We meet the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. We are happy to teach ASL or sign English. We have a lot of fun!
WHERE:  Contact Ken Benham at 217-732-8101
WHEN:  2 p.m.

Monday, April 14th

Senior Fitness Class
HOSTED BY: Christian Village
WHO: Public
Entrance through the main entry, currently labeled Grace Point.
WHERE: Christian Village Chapel, 1500 Seventh St., Lincoln
WHEN: 10 a.m.

Tuesday, April 15th

Logan County Breastfeeding Support Group
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Parent's Center and Logan County WIC
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Do you have any questions or concerns about your breastfeeding journey? You will be able to ask a certified lactation consultant and/or a peer counselor any questions you may have about latch, positioning, engorgement, pumping, etc. It will also be a great opportunity to connect with other breastfeeding mothers in our community.
WHERE: Lincoln Parent's Center, 121 N. Kickapoo St., Lincoln
WHEN: 10:30 to Noon

Mahjong at the Oasis
HOSTED BY: Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Newly introduced Mahjong group!
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: Noon to 2 p.m.

Alzheimer's Support Group
HOSTED BY: Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public (membership not required)
DETAILS: Hosted by Julie King and Dr. Paul Boatman. A support group for those suffering from dementia and those concerned about possible dementia. Will meet on the third Tuesday of the month indefinitely.
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 1:30 p.m.

Bingo at the Oasis
HOSTED BY: Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS:  We will offer large jackpots and a great atmosphere! Delicious refreshments will be available for purchase. Doors open at 5 p.m., bingo starts at 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 6:30 p.m.

Lincoln Masonic Lodge Meeting
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Masons Lodge 210
WHO: Members
DETAILS:  Regularly scheduled meeting.
WHERE: Lincoln Masonic Lodge 210, 2022 N. Kickapoo St., Lincoln
WHEN: 7 p.m.

Wednesday, April 16th

Lincoln Rotary Club Meeting
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Rotary Club
WHO: Rotary Members
DETAILS: Weekly meeting. 
WHERE: Administrative Office, District 27 Elementary School, 304 8th St, Lincoln
WHEN: Noon

American Legion 263 Auxiliary Meeting
HOSTED BY: American Legion 263 Auxiliary
WHO: Members
DETAILS: Monthly meeting
WHERE: American Legion Hall, 1740 Fifth St., Lincoln
WHEN: 7 p.m.

Thursday, April 17th

Everyday Nutrition Class
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Park District
WHO: Public
Led by Kevin Londe, DO, a physician with Memorial Care in Lincoln, the “Everyday Nutrition” class will introduce participants to basic nutrition and calorie counting, foods to avoid with certain health conditions, exercise needed per day and different types of exercises to benefit cardiovascular and muscle mass. For more information, call 217-605-5014. To register, visit:
Lincoln Park District, 1400 Primm Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Free Bingo at the Oasis
HOSTED BY: Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Free Bingo!
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 1 p.m.

Bingo at the Eagles
HOSTED BY: Fraternal Order of the Eagles #2708
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Bingo with snacks available.
WHERE: The Eagles #2708, 1621 N. Kickapoo St., Lincoln
WHEN: Doors Open at 5 p.m., Bingo at 6:30 p.m.

Railsplitter Coin Club meeting
HOSTED BY: Railsplitter Coin Club
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Monthly meeting on the third Thursday of each month
WHERE:  American Legion Post 263, 1740 Fifth St., Lincoln
WHEN: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Friday, April 18th

Saturday, April 19th

Timber Creek Village Car Show
HOSTED BY: Timber Creek Village
SPONSORED BY: Railsplitter Car Club, Gentiva Hospice, Copper Creek Cottages
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Rev up your engines and cruise on over to be a part of our residents car show! Whether you're a car enthusiast, a collector, or just someone who appreciates the beauty of finely crafted automobiles, this event is for you! Enjoy the show with Snow-cones, popcorn, and more!
WHERE: Timber Creek Village
, 201 Stahlhut Dr., Lincoln
WHEN: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Sunday, April 20th

No events on the calendar

Monday, April 21st

Senior Fitness Class
HOSTED BY: Christian Village
WHO: Public
Entrance through the main entry, currently labeled Grace Point.
WHERE: Christian Village Chapel, 1500 Seventh St., Lincoln
WHEN: 10 a.m.

Culver's Habitat for Humanity Fundraiser
HOSTED BY: Culver's
SPONSORED BY: Habitat for Humanity
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Join us in supporting Habitat for Humanity of Logan County, as 10% of all sales will be donated. There's no limit to how much heart you can put into the community - join us and consider giving what you can to our local cause today.
WHERE: Culver's, 2530 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Military Order of the Purple Heart
HOSTED BY: Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter 159 and Auxiliary 159
WHO: Members
DETAILS: Monthly meeting of both the chapter and the auxiliary. For questions about the chapter, auxiliary or membership call Melanie 217-871-8254. 
WHERE: VFW Post 755, 2211 Old Jacksonville Rd., Springfield
WHEN: 5:30 p.m.

Tuesday, April 22nd

Logan County Breastfeeding Support Group
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Parent's Center and Logan County WIC
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Do you have any questions or concerns about your breastfeeding journey? You will be able to ask a certified lactation consultant and/or a peer counselor any questions you may have about latch, positioning, engorgement, pumping, etc. It will also be a great opportunity to connect with other breastfeeding mothers in our community.
WHERE: Lincoln Parent's Center, 121 N. Kickapoo St., Lincoln
WHEN: 10:30 to Noon

Mahjong at the Oasis
HOSTED BY: Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Newly introduced Mahjong group!
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: Noon to 2 p.m.

Bingo at the Oasis
HOSTED BY: Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS:  We will offer large jackpots and a great atmosphere! Delicious refreshments will be available for purchase. Doors open at 5 p.m., bingo starts at 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, April 23rd

Jolly Seniors
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Christian Church
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Meetings feature a devotion, entertainment and a lunch catered by Guzzardo's. Attendees may bring finger foods to share and a small donation to cover lunch.
Lincoln Christian Church Fellowship Center, 204 N. Mclean St., Lincoln
WHEN: 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Thursday, April 24th

Free Bingo at the Oasis
HOSTED BY: Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Free Bingo!
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 1 p.m.

Bingo at the Eagles
HOSTED BY: Fraternal Order of the Eagles #2708
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Bingo with snacks available.
WHERE: The Eagles #2708, 1621 N. Kickapoo St., Lincoln
WHEN: Doors Open at 5 p.m., Bingo at 6:30 p.m.

Friday, April 25th

Elkhart Historical Society Dinner Lecture
HOSTED BY: Elkhart Historical Society
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Janet Roney is the featured speaker for the dinner lecture, presenting "How Racoons Saved Illinois from Canada, and Other Frontier Tales." The evening includes the lecture and dinner featuring an entree choice of Baked Chicken or Pork Loin with gravy. For a complete menu, cost, and reservation form, please see the website: or click here. Reservations are required and must be made by calling 217-947-2238. The deadline for reservations is April 18.
WHERE: Fellowship Community Center, Elkhart Christian Church, 206 South Gillett St., Elkhart
WHEN: Doors at 5 p.m., Dinner at 5:30 p.m.

Saturday, April 26th

Sunday, April 27th

"Abraham Lincoln & Ann Rutledge: Is the Story True?"
HOSTED BY: C.H. Moore Homestead DeWitt County Museum
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Join us in welcoming author and historian, Guy C. Fraker, as he shares his insight regarding the story of Abraham Lincoln and Ann Rutledge. Mr. Fraker’s presentation is admission-free and open to the public, courtesy of Mr. Fraker and the DeWitt County Museum Association. No reservations are necessary. Additional parking is available in the lot across from the museum. For more information, please contact the C.H. Moore Homestead & DeWitt County Museum by calling 217-935-6066.
WHERE: C.H. Moore Homestead, 219 E. Woodlawn St., Clinton
WHEN: 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Sign and Dine Club
HOSTED BY: Sign & Dine Club
WHO: Public
Sign and Dine” is a group that promotes American Sign Language (ASL) and Sign English for the hard of hearing and the deaf. We meet the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. We are happy to teach ASL or sign English. We have a lot of fun!
WHERE:  Contact Ken Benham at 217-732-8101
WHEN:  2 p.m.

Monday, April 28th

Senior Fitness Class
HOSTED BY: Christian Village
WHO: Public
Entrance through the main entry, currently labeled Grace Point.
WHERE: Christian Village Chapel, 1500 Seventh St., Lincoln
WHEN: 10 a.m.

LMH Prenatal Class
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Memorial Hospital
WHO: Public (registration requested)
What is covered? When to Come to the Hospital, What to Expect During Labor and Delivery, Pain Relief Options, Breathing Techniques, Family Maternity Suites Tour.  Register by calling 217-605-5233
WHERE: LMH Steinfort Room A, 200 Stahlhut Dr., Lincoln
WHEN: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Tuesday, April 29th

Logan County Breastfeeding Support Group
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Parent's Center and Logan County WIC
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Do you have any questions or concerns about your breastfeeding journey? You will be able to ask a certified lactation consultant and/or a peer counselor any questions you may have about latch, positioning, engorgement, pumping, etc. It will also be a great opportunity to connect with other breastfeeding mothers in our community.
WHERE: Lincoln Parent's Center, 121 N. Kickapoo St., Lincoln
WHEN: 10:30 to Noon

Mahjong at the Oasis
HOSTED BY: Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Newly introduced Mahjong group!
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: Noon to 2 p.m.

Bingo at the Oasis
HOSTED BY: Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public
DETAILS:  We will offer large jackpots and a great atmosphere! Delicious refreshments will be available for purchase. Doors open at 5 p.m., bingo starts at 6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
WHEN: 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday, April 30th

No events on the calendar

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