Judge Wright administers historic swearing in ceremony for Logan County CASA volunteers

[March 12, 2025]  

Lincoln, IL – The first Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers of Logan County were sworn in by Judge Jonathan Wright of the 11th Judicial Circuit earlier today. Melissa Smith and Warren Smith, of Atlanta IL, will be the first volunteers to advocate for children in Logan County.

The CASA Swearing In Ceremony took place at the Logan County Courthouse in Lincoln. Melissa and Warren took their oaths with Judge Wright, which includes a promise to “protect and promote the best interest” of the children they go on to serve.

CASA of McLean and Logan Counties announced that the program expanded into Logan County earlier this year, and the organization is celebrating its 30th anniversary of serving families in McLean County. CASA is a nationwide organization dedicated to promoting and protecting the best interests of children who have been abused or neglected by providing well-trained volunteers to advocate for children and their families through a trauma-focused lens until a safe and permanent home is secured.

“This ceremony marks a significant milestone in our program’s expansion, and our mission to advocate for children who have experienced abuse and neglect,” said Mary Pat Frugo-Anderson, Director of CASA of McLean and Logan Counties. “We look forward to training more people like Melissa and Warren who are committed to making an impact on children and families within our community” she continued.

MORE ABOUT CASA – CASA of McLean and Logan Counties offers a variety of in-person and online training modalities that give volunteers a thorough educational and hands-on experiences before a volunteer begins their case.

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Warren Smith and Melissa Smith were sworn in by Judge Jonathan Wright as Logan County's first Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers. Photo provided by Paige Malloy

Once trained, CASAs are sworn by the court and serve on a volunteer basis; serving as an advocate involves regularly meeting with the child, conducting interviews with adults involved in a child’s life, drafting court reports on the family’s progress, and creating recommendations that are in the best interest of the child.

Serving as a CASA is a long-term commitment to serving one child at a time, as CASAs are expected to advocate for the child until a permanent home is located.

CONTACT – If you have questions or you are interested in volunteering with CASA of McLean and Logan Counties, please contact the Volunteer Recruiter/Trainer, Paige Malloy, at 309-434-5853 or email paige.malloy@mcleancountyil.gov. To apply to be a CASA volunteer, please check out our website.

[Text received from Paige Malloy]

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