Meaning: rouse from sleep; cause to stop sleeping |
make someone aware of (something) for the first time
Meaning: a season in the Christian calendar set
aside for fasting, praying, self-examination, and
preparation for the resurrection of the Christ
The theme this year at 1PC for Lent is awakening. At
its most basic, Lent is the season to rebalance our
lives – interior and exterior – to make room for
what is essential.
We begin our journey toward awakening with these
words: “For you were made from dust, and to dust you
shall return.” Sit with these words you’ve heard
every Ash Wednesday and at every funeral service
you’ve ever attended. We are from the Earth. Our
life is drawn from the Earth. Of course, that dust
is made from exploding stars and from all the life
that ever existed. It carries the memories of
billions of years, immense wisdom, and lives lived
long ago. We are deeply connected with all that has
come before. One day, I shall return to that
dust—and my being will merge with it. Why do we
start with this sobering reminder? We cannot avoid
death. We all die. Ash Wednesday invites us to
release our false sense of control and awaken to the
good news that we are with God, and God is with us—
in life and death. This intentional recalling of our
mortality, this lived acceptance of death, is known
in some spiritual circles as the practice of memento
mori, “Remember your death.” Although it may seem
gothic at first glance, the phrase is sometimes
extended to memento mori, memento vivere: “Remember
dying; remember living.” A well-accepted awareness
of death should encourage us to deeper, more
thoughtful living.

Imagine traversing the Lenten
landscape with this approach: a thoughtful way of
living. Consider what practices you will adopt or
relinquish to awaken to the fullness of God’s
presence in your life. Remember, Lent and the
disciplines we practice are not meant to separate us
from our everyday lives. Instead, they are intended
to draw us deeper into the lives of those around us.
Lent is a season to return to – to awaken to – our
True Selves. It is also a time to discover ways in
which all people can flourish – that is, to respond
to God’s call by living in solidarity with all our
neighbors. What does this mean? Simply put, Lent is
the season where we intentionally follow the ways of
Jesus, sharing in God's purpose for the life of the
Lent is when we wake up while living our lives
instead of waiting for the next one.
What will you do this Lent – give up or take on – to
awaken to the life God calls you toward?

Here are some ideas that you could
• Read a book about a saint or spiritual master like
Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day, Deloris Williams, or
Oscar Romero
• Educate yourself through art, media, and
testimonies about the lives of people who are
different from you
• Create – whether it be the arts, food, experiences
for others, or even small, simple changes
• Discern your gifts, and be surprised by gifts you
may not even know you had
• Attend Kirk Night throughout Lent
• Tell the people in your life how much they mean to
you. Write letters, prepare the right words, or tell
someone you care. Pick one person each day.
• Find a way to be inspired by something new every
Here are some ideas regarding things to give up:
• Give up withholding compliments
• Assuming the worst about others – and yourself!
• Your time by volunteering
• The comfort of beliefs you haven’t questioned in a
• Forcing others to share your suffering [learn the
difference between sharing your pain vs. trying to
pull someone down to your level of pain to feel
• Crankiness and leading with limiting beliefs
• And if you’re going to give something up, like a
treat or an activity, I encourage you to go a step
beyond and find how to bring that to others; donate
a bunch of it to a food pantry, send it in the mail
to loved ones, or write a post about why others
should try it and why it means so much to you
Lent is about awakening to the ‘YES’ God has placed
on your life. It is about creating and cultivating
ways so others can experience God’s “YES” to them,
too. Let us awaken to the fullness and glory of God
shining around us.
[Adam Quine]
