Substance Use Prevention Coalition
Addresses Strengthening and Building Partnerships
[March 17, 2025]
The Substance Use Prevention Coalition (SUPC) met for its
monthly meeting at Lincoln Memorial Hospital on March 13. Grace Irvin of
Chestnut Health Systems led the discussion which focused on capacity
according to the Strategic Planning Framework. Capacity is about
strengthening existing partnerships and figuring out who may be missing
for substance use prevention and recovery support. The goal of this
month’s meeting was to identify missing sectors within the Logan County
Substance Use Prevention Coalition and suggest specific individuals,
agencies, or organizations to fill these roles. Members of the meeting
brainstormed potential resources, community organizations, businesses,
and individuals who may support the SUPC goals and mission and be
interested in partnering or joining the coalition.

SUPC members collected and recorded ideas of potential
allies in various sectors of the community. In the business sector,
coalition members suggested reaching out to downtown businesses and
other locally owned businesses, HR representatives, onsite nurses, local
manufacturing plants, the tourism bureau, and the county of Lincoln.
In the education sector, suggestions included Heartland Community
College and their workforce training programs, School Resource Officers,
coaches, school counselors, alternative education, and private schools.
In the religious sector, churches and pastoral counseling services could
be resources. It is possible for a church to become a Certified Recovery
Potential contributors from the parent sector could come from PTO and
from the youth sector from focus groups at schools, 4-H, Girls on the
Run, the Youth Advisory Board, clubs, and sports. Other suggestions
included libraries, primary care providers, radio stations, and local
civic organizations such as Rotary and Zonta Club.
[to top of second column]

Some who support substance use prevention and
recovery may not be able to attend meetings due to their job
responsibilities, but may be access points for resources and
delivering information and education to the community, for example,
those in government positions.
The discussion concluded with ideas for making “elevator pitches”
for approaching parties in each sector with invitations for joining
the SUPC and its mission.
Prevention and Harm Reduction Updates
The text message campaign at Lincoln Community High School will have
a focus group at LCHS to assess perceived quality and effectiveness
of the campaign. Harm reduction
initiatives continue in Logan and Mason County with free naloxone
and fentanyl test strips at Mt. Pulaski Public Library, Logan County
Department of Public Health, Family Custom Cleaners, Logan County
Courthouse, Havana Public Library, Mason County Health Department,
and the Mason County library.
Red containers for safe sharps disposal are available at the Logan
County Department of Public Health. The containers are available at
no charge and the Health Department will dispose of full containers
for free.
The last Saturday of April is National Prescription Drug Take Back
Day. Mason County will have law enforcement collecting expired drugs
and medicines at three locations on that day. The Logan County
Health Department and CVS in Lincoln also have easily accessed drop
boxes for expired prescription and OTC drugs available anytime
during business hours.
The next Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care meeting will be March 20
at Hope on Fifth or via Zoom. The next SUPC meeting will be April 10
at 9 a.m. at LMH or via Zoom. The next Community Health
Collaborative will next meet on June 5 at LMH or via MS Teams.
[Stephanie Hall] |