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Please show your support for Logan Correctional - attend the rally and the public hearing

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To the editor:

I am writing to you to help put the article “CoGFA Public Hearing on Logan Correctional Center in Lincoln June 13th” into perspective for every member of Logan County. The public CoGFA hearing about the closure and moving of Logan Correctional Center from Logan County needs to be a topic that is discussed at every dinner table in Logan County and with every family member and neighbor.

I am an employee at Logan Correctional and was born and raised in Lincoln Illinois. I have watched in recent years as Lincoln has lost too many large businesses and I feel as though Logan Correctional Center will be yet another one. I have been wondering why, why is Lincoln losing so much when I have witnessed the greatness of this community. Why are we letting the state take something else away from us? In 2011, when the state tried to close Logan Correctional Center, I watched this community come together and take a stand. The people of this community showed up when needed, they answered the call when this community needed it.

I am asking Logan County to take a stand again, stand up for your community, our community. Do not let the government move 500+ jobs out of Logan County to the Chicago area. Make the governor remember the rest of Illinois matters too – show up to the public CoFGA hearing on June 13th, 5pm at the Lincoln Jr. High School.

[to top of second column in this letter]

Cancel your evening games, close your business for the evening, change your dinner plans and show up! Put a sign in your front yard that says exactly what this community needs – “Keep Logan CC in Logan County.” Participate in a march, call your state representatives and senators, talk to other members of the community about how important the jobs within Logan County are. Without speaking up and talking a stand, the government will dismiss us, and Logan County will suffer the lasting consciousness.

Remember the families and homes that Logan Correctional Center provides for in Logan County. Logan County does not need to be taken from, please take a stand and attend the CoGFA hearing June 13th.

In Solidarity,
Shelbie Bolyard

[Posted June 4, 2024]

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