Election Information
2025 Primary Election
Meet the Candidates
Lincoln Daily News maintains neutrality toward all candidates of all local offices, and will not offer an endorsement of any.
Elizabeth Davis-Kavelman announces City of Lincoln Mayoral run in 2025
01/02/2025 - A letter from Lincoln Mayoral Candidate Beth Davis-Kavelman
01/13/2025 - A letter from Ward 3 Alderman Wanda Lee Rohlfs
01/15/2025 - A letter from Lincoln Mayoral Candidate Beth Davis-Kavelman
01/16/2025 - A letter from Lincoln Mayoral Candidate Tracy Welch
01/21/2025 - A letter from Ward 3 Alderman Candidate Dennis Clemons
01/31/2025 - A letter from Ward 4 Alderman Candidate Verl Prather
01/31/2025 - A letter from Lincoln Mayoral Candidate Beth Davis-Kavelman - PDF
02/10/2025 - A letter from Ward 4 Alderman Rhonda O'Donoghue
02/14/2025 - A letter from Lincoln Mayoral Candidate Beth Davis-Kevelman - PDF
02/22/2025 - A letter from Lincoln Mayoral Candidate Beth Davis-Kevelman - PDF
Letters of Support and Endorsements
Lincoln Daily News welcomes letters of support and endorsements for candidates and referendums. Please include your full name and how we may contact you by phone. Your phone number will not be published.
A letter to the Editor endorsing Wanda Rohlfs for re-election to the position of Alderman, Ward 3
A letter to the Editor endorsing Steve Parrott for Alderman, Ward One
A letter to the Editor endorsing Wanda Rohlfs for re-election to the position of Alderman, Ward 3.
A letter to the Editor endorsing Tracy Welch for re-election to the position of Mayor
Election Article
Tom Kavelman letter to the editor RE mayoral race 2025
Tom Kavelman letter to the editor RE mayoral race 2025 - PDF